Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's that time of year...

... for my winter season cold.  The problem with getting sick and being a teacher is missing work.  Most people would take the opportunity to lay on the couch, watch the tube, sleep, sleep and sleep some more.  But teachers... we have to write a detailed explanation of our working day so someone else can manage all those little bodies that rely on us five days a week.  When it comes down to a "sick day", we teachers ask ourselves, "How sick am I REALLY?"  Because writing those substitute plans for someone else to do your job that day is a pain in the ass.  And when you come back from your day on the couch, it just means you have double the work to catch up on.  So how sick am I really?  We'll see when I wake up in the morning.  Maybe my head won't feel like it's going to explode.  I made it through the day today.  I can do it one more day, right?  Drugs.  That's the answer!

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