Saturday, May 4, 2013

The End of the Year

It's getting to be that time... Testing.  Good-byes.  Warm weather.  Antsy kiddos.  Squeezing in those last lessons.  Not enough instructional time.  Meetings about next year (when there is still so much to do this year).  The end is here.

The last month of school.  It's always crazy.  Every year I make a plan to ease into the end of the year, rather than crash and burn.  And every year it never actually happens.  It's the nature of the beast we call School.  So here we are again.  At the end.  Survival is the best word to describe it, I think.  But it's also every year at this time that I remember the advice of one of my past principals.  He always said, "Slowly glide to the end.  Don't crash-land."  So once again I take that advice and try to remember...  That last writing lesson will make no difference in the future life of a 9 year old.  Making sure they have an amazing final project will not be what my students remember.  So I'm throwing it out.  If we don't get to it, we just don't get to it.  We'll glide and enjoy the ride to the end, instead of flailing through the air like we're sky diving without a parachute.

So raise your glasses to making the landing smooth.  May we all glide to the end and give our kids a great finish!

(Bottoms up.  We'll need it!)

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