Thursday, January 10, 2013

What I really want to tell THAT parent.

As with every job there are some things I don't like about teaching:
Grading papers,
Forms, forms forms,
Meetings that have nothing to do with my students,
And sometimes... parents.

This is the internet and any parent tracking me down can find that I wrote this.  But any teacher who has worked with kids long enough has had the parents who drive her crazy.  Teachers, you know what I'm talking about.  Parents, we love your kid, but you can sometimes make our lives miserable.  It isn't all parents by any means.  In fact, it's really only a small percentage every year.  The rest are great... appreciative, kind, give me gifts to the spa.  But those one or two (or sometimes more if you're cursed), can overshadow everything and make you rethink your career options.  And the poor kid... it's not his fault.  So you keep on loving him and teaching him regardless of his parent who you'd like to say a few choice words to.

Well, one principal did say it in a CNN article.  So if you are the parent who actually searched me out on-line and are reading this, read this article too.  Because I REALLY do have your child's best interest at heart.  ALWAYS.  And teachers, read this and be encouraged... you're not the only one who wants to say THAT to a parent.

What teachers really want to tell parents -